Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dems. Yes, Again

Obama has beaten Hil' in like 10 straight states,U know what i mean so stop being a perv, and big O won wisconsin and Hawaii. Hawaii doesn't mean much but, Wait for it, Hil' decided not to campaign Big W but then realized how important, Oh HAHA, What losers, WISCONSIN is ALWAYS important! Read Me?? McCain slowly gets farther and farther ahead of whoever he is against, Need it be said? I guess some dimwits like u need all the help they can get. So pathetic. Well Barrack'n'roll cuz if Hil' don't in BOTH tex. and i repeat AND Ohio shes been beaten. Just your daily update, or... um... not so daily.

P.S. The stocks went up for the first time in what seems to be centuries before, true to there word, falling down again. So sad u stoopid stock people, So happy people out of these lousy stocks, Ahh what can i say

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